E Stanley Jones If the Holy Spirit can take over the subconscious with our consent and cooperation, then we have almighty Power working at the basis of our lives, then we can do anything we ought to do, go anywhere we ought to go, and be anything we ought to be. – E Stanley Jones Almighty Quotes Basis Quotes Consent Quotes Cooperation Quotes Holy Quotes Lives Quotes Power Quotes Spirit Quotes Subconscious Quotes Prayer is commitment. We don’t merely co-operate with God with certain things held back within. We, the total person, co-operate. This means that co-operation equals committment. Victorious living does not mean freedom from temptation, nor does it mean freedom from mistakes.
Sourav Ganguly There is nobody called Test bowler, one day bowler or T20 bowler. It just how you adapt and make a difference to your own game. – Sourav Ganguly
Doug Collins I’m a numbers guy, and I think numbers sometimes tell stories and sometimes they don’t. When you look at the NBA, when teams shoot 45% or better from the floor, what is their record? And if they shoot under that what is their record? – Doug Collins
Mike Flanagan Gerald’s Game,’ we could not have made it at a studio without substantive changes to the story. – Mike Flanagan
Joseph B WirthlinReligion A sure indicator of true religion is a concern for the poor of the earth. – Joseph B Wirthlin
Ken Loach I think the Norweigan model of municipalities owning cinemas and being programmed by people who know about films is a good one. – Ken Loach
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