Jose Mujica If the inmates of Guantanamo want to make their nests in Uruguay, they can do it. – Jose Mujica Guantanamo Quotes Inmates Quotes Nests Quotes Uruguay Quotes I’ll shout it if they want: Down with isms! Up with a Left that is capable of thinking outside the box! In other words, I am more than completely cured of simplifications, of dividing the world into good and evil, of thinking in black and white. I have repented!
George Chapman Be free all worthy spirits, and stretch yourselves, for greatness and for height. – George Chapman
Bushwick Bill I noticed when most celebrities pass, they really don’t have nothing set up for their children. – Bushwick Bill
Elizabeth McCracken Short fiction is like low relief. And if your story has no humor in it, then you’re trying to look at something in the pitch dark. With the light of humor, it throws what you’re writing into relief so that you can actually see it. – Elizabeth McCracken
Anthony Eden Everyone is always in favour of general economy and particular expenditure. – Anthony Eden
Brian Fallon At the end of the day, you can’t reinvent yourself past a point, because you are you, and there are things that are inherently you that are always going to be there. – Brian Fallon
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