John Quelch If there is cultural imperialism, it is definitely American. – John Quelch American Quotes Cultural Quotes Imperialism Quotes Instant, soluble coffee has long been the unspeakable wasteland of the coffee business. Conventional wisdom would be that no premium brand should go near it. But Howard Schultz’s vision from day one has been to bring quality coffee to the mass market. Pepsi and Coke have to co-exist on the shelf for the long term because if they pull each other down, no one’s going to drink carbonated soft drinks anymore.
Dogen The color of the mountains is Buddha’s body; the sound of running water is his great speech. – Dogen
Seanan McGuire I’m always depressed when a book ends, because those are my friends for however long the book takes to write. Since I spend so many hours with these fictional people, I sometimes see them more than my real friends. And then they’re gone, and we’ll never be together like that again. – Seanan McGuire
Frank Farian I saw the Abba musical, and I loved it, but my music was a little bit different, a little more black. – Frank Farian
Dan Bilzerian People like a look into the lifestyle of someone who has a lot of freedom. – Dan Bilzerian
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