Butch Trucks If there’s anybody who knew how to play in a studio, it was Duane Allman. – Butch Trucks Allman Quotes Duane Quotes Play Quotes Studio Quotes Of all the songs we played, ‘Statesboro Blues’ was the most ripped-off. Once we started headlining at the Fillmore East, we were free to play all night, at least for the second set. ‘Whipping Post’ could get lengthy.
Jacob Elordi I don’t really feel like I’m building a career or trying to be this kind of actor or that kind of actor. – Jacob Elordi
Neil Bush Young people hold great promise for our country’s future economic and social well being. – Neil Bush
Dewitt Bodeen Even as fog continues to lie in the valleys, so does ancient sin cling to the low places, the depressions in the world consciousness. – Dewitt Bodeen
Matt Bomer One of the ways I learned how to act, really, is by having secrets and having to function as a kid in a public school in suburban Bible Belt Texas. – Matt Bomer
Marsai Martin We need more of those characters that lead by example for people coming up next to us. – Marsai Martin
Seanan McGuire I believe that humans are pretty awesome but we are not capable of understanding what heaven would look like while we’re alive because whatever is out there is so much bigger than we are. – Seanan McGuire
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