Benny Cassette If we all dress alike, we might as well all work in cubicles. – Benny Cassette Alike Quotes Cubicles Quotes Dress Quotes I speak a little Italian and Spanish because of where I grew up. I also am well-versed in Angelino slang and corporate Euro-speak. I don’t like gimmicks. The biggest gimmick of all is trying to fit in and be ‘normal’. I will always be myself no matter what. Crazy is a compliment. Flashback. I want to touch on every form of art and be the best at it and be the biggest at it.
Eric Burdon There are so many times in one’s life, when one feels he has nothing more to offer. But no, my river has not run dry. – Eric Burdon
Donald Driver I play in front of 70,000 fans week in and week out, and I may drop the ball in practice, I may run the ball the wrong way, but once it’s game time, it’s game on. – Donald Driver
Chloe Sevigny I’d like to find someone to procreate with – as sexy as that sounds. If you’re out and about and fit the description, come up and say hi. I won’t bite. Well, maybe a little, if you’re lucky. – Chloe Sevigny
Meghan O'Rourke When my mother was sick, I found myself needing to put down in my journals all sorts of things – to try to understand them, and, I think, to try to remember them. – Meghan O’Rourke
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