Amy Purdy If we can see past preconceived limitations, then the possibilities are endless. – Amy Purdy Endless Quotes Limitations Quotes Possibilities Quotes Preconceived Quotes When disease took my legs, I eventually realized I didn’t need them to lead a full, empowering life. I didn’t think about money or cars or anything like that.
DadMeghan DaumMom It may take a village to raise a child, but not every villager needs to be a mom or dad. Some of us just need to be who we are. – Meghan Daum
Daniel Day-Lewis My preference is that, that day when someone sticks a tripod in front of you with a camera on the top, it is not day one. – Daniel Day-Lewis
Michael Gracey If you look at the things I’m drawn to, it’s always stuff that’s got a lot of imagination and heart. – Michael Gracey
Carlos Ruiz When I stop, it’s going to be something my body is going to tell me when to stop. – Carlos Ruiz
Hideo Kojima Games shouldn’t only be fun. They should teach or spark an interest in other things. – Hideo Kojima
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