Anne M Mulcahy If we could muster the same determination and sense of responsibility that saves a country like Japan – or a company like Xerox – then investing to save women and children who are dying in the developing world would be very good business. – Anne M Mulcahy Business Quotes Children Quotes Company Quotes Country Quotes Determination Quotes Developing Quotes Dying Quotes Investing Quotes Japan Quotes Muster Quotes Responsibility Quotes Save Quotes Saves Quotes Sense Quotes Women Quotes Xerox Quotes I learned how to be a learner. When you get in a job, the tendency is to say, ‘I’ve got to know it. I’ve got to give direction to others. I’m in this job because I’m better and smarter.’ I always took a different view, that the key was to identify the people who really knew and learn from them. By the time I stepped down as Xerox’s CEO in 2009 – and as chairman in January 2010 – Xerox had become the vibrant, profitable and revitalized company that it still is today. What made the difference was a strong turnaround plan, dedicated people and a firm commitment from company leaders.
Lynn Margulis To romp along the connected rooftops and fire escapes of Chicago’s second city of garages was my young life’s passion. – Lynn Margulis
Adam Cohen There is no way to undo what happened in the Zimmerman-Martin encounter, but some good can still come of it: it could lead states to repeal their misguided ‘Stand your ground’ laws. – Adam Cohen
Greg Graffin We delude ourselves into believing that morality comes from somewhere else, whereas in reality we behave as we’ve been told to behave. – Greg Graffin
Maika Monroe At about 17, I decided I wanted to take kiteboarding seriously and compete, so my agents were like, ‘Just keep sending in a few audition tapes anyway, just for good stuff.’ – Maika Monroe
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