Judd Gregg If we don’t get this economy going, the numbers that represent this stimulus package are going to be small compared to the loss of revenue to the federal government for our economy. – Judd Gregg Compared Quotes Economy Quotes Federal Quotes Government Quotes Loss Quotes Package Quotes Represent Quotes Revenue Quotes Stimulus Quotes At least Obama was half-way honest about how much he was going to spend on health care. He had it at $600 billion. And the real number… is $1.2 trillion. Actually, I have been very supportive of a very robust stimulus package from day one. I think this economy has to have a major stimulus initiative because the only group with liquidity is the federal government.
Dennis DeYoung If you pretend to be somebody that you’re not when you write songs – and I did that on some of the early Styx albums – nobody cares about what you have to say. – Dennis DeYoung
Bobby Scott The destinies of the two races in this country are indissolubly linked together, and the interests of both require that the common government of all shall not permit the seeds of race hate to be planted under the sanction of law. – Bobby Scott
Mattie Stepanek There can be many different views of what Heaven is like, because Heaven is whatever makes each person eternally and fully happy. – Mattie Stepanek
Muhtar Kent Businesses need to proactively create models that make a difference in society and let everyone else use them, talk about them, emulate them – and build on them. – Muhtar Kent
Sonakshi Sinha My parents have had a love marriage, so I have made it pretty clear to them that I, too, will have a love marriage. – Sonakshi Sinha
Pauly Shore I think as a standup performer you have to feel the audience. So the audience kind of dictates what they get, you know? – Pauly Shore
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