AloneSherry Turkle If we don’t know how to be alone, we’ll only know how to be lonely. – Sherry Turkle Alone Quotes Lonely Quotes Option B’ draws not just on my story but on the research and stories of many people overcoming all kinds of adversity. No one should have to go through challenges and trauma alone. The pain of loneliness seems to be part of the mortal experience. But the Lord in His mercy has made it so that we need never deal with the challenges of mortality alone.
Rosalyn Sussman Yalow We bequeath to you, the next generation, our knowledge but also our problems. While we still live, let us join hands, hearts and minds to work together for their solution so that your world will be better than ours and the world of your children even better. – Rosalyn Sussman Yalow
Sandra Brown I know I’m not creating transcendent works that will someday be taught in college. All I do is entertain. I try to entertain others by sending them into another world for a few hours. When I see my books read on the beach, the pages dabbed with suntan lotion, then I feel as if I’ve done my job. – Sandra Brown
David Hasselhoff Over in the UK and in Wales, it’s nice to turn on the TV and see ‘Baywatch.’ – David Hasselhoff
Candace OwensPolitics I always say I was a liberal, but I wasn’t active in politics. I just assumed I was a liberal because I was black and I was a woman. And I know now that sounds really foolish, but I had different priorities. – Candace Owens
Leslie Fiedler I’ve had a tough time with Pynchon. I liked him very much when I first read him. I liked him less with each book. He got denser and more complex in a way that didn’t really pay off. – Leslie Fiedler
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