SE Cupp If we had our priorities straight as a country, we’d consider leaving fame behind a mark of wisdom and character. – SE Cupp Character Quotes Country Quotes Fame Quotes Leaving Quotes Mark Quotes Priorities Quotes Straight Quotes Wisdom Quotes Politics has long been a place where fear and loathing are exploited: fear of progress, fear of the unknown, fear of the other, fear of our own neighbors. Walking away from fame, whether by choice or necessity, isn’t a bad thing. In fact for many, it’s likely saved their lives, careers, families and basic dignity. More celebrities should probably try it.
Arjun Mathur I started in 2002 as an assistant director. The first few years were like my education and it has been a priceless experience getting to watch some amazing actors at their work and has helped in forming my own work style. – Arjun Mathur
M Night Shyamalan So ‘The Last Airbender’ ‘s philosophy and culture feels like a beautiful idea to me: That we inherently have connections to the elements and what they teach us, and to each other. – M Night Shyamalan
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo Agrarian reform should not merely subdivide misery, it must raise living standards. Ownership raises the farmer from his, but productivity will keep him on his feet. – Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
Geoff Hoon I have had many Ashfield people say to me that they might not agree with my political views or my decisions but that they supported my right to be heard. – Geoff Hoon
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