Jud Wilhite If we have to sum up the Book of Revelation in one phrase, it would be, ‘Jesus wins.’ – Jud Wilhite Book Quotes Jesus Quotes Phrase Quotes Revelation Quotes Sum Quotes Wins Quotes We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. So when we are in the mess, remember Jesus made it right. We got to hang on to that by faith. We normally know Jesus as a humble, loving servant, which He is. But Revelations gives us the bigger picture of who Jesus is, in His glory.
Robert Griffin III My parents did a great job raising me and my two sisters. We all graduated from high school and we all graduated from college. So, to be a good representative of my family is probably my greatest accomplishment thus far. – Robert Griffin III
Ernest Thompson Seton On the 27th we came to the Cascade Rapids. The first or Little Cascade has about two feet fall, the second or Grand Cascade, a mile farther, is about a six foot sheer drop. – Ernest Thompson Seton
Moneybagg Yo Can’t leave the house without water. I’m good on that. Water’s good for the skin, it’s good for the body. It’s great, it’s good to stay hydrated at all times. You got to stay hydrated and I work out a lot too, so I got to have water. – Moneybagg Yo
Dorian Yates Every single workout counted when I trained, I didn’t miss any meals and made sure I got my sleep. – Dorian Yates
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