Chanda Kochhar If we look at India and the Indian demographics and the Indian consumer, I think the Indian consumer is going digital, social, and mobile. They want everything in a digital format, everything available on the go, and we socially connected. – Chanda Kochhar Connected Quotes Consumer Quotes Demographics Quotes Digital Quotes Format Quotes India Quotes Indian Quotes Mobile Quotes Social Quotes Socially Quotes Every business has to re-think their own business model and say does it meet this DSM test and do their products and services meet the test of being digital, social, and mobile? I think the banks are doing the same. Let me talk about what the banks are doing, and I think the banks have been working to make sure that, as much as possible, we move the currency to the smaller areas and to as many set of customers as possible.
Steve Young If I could have my kids be great when the lights are on, whatever the moment is, to be accountable and then fix it, they’re going to be fine. – Steve Young
Phillip E Johnson Evolutionary biologists are not content merely to explain how variation occurs within limits, however. They aspire to answer a much broader question-which is how complex organisms like birds, and flowers, and human beings came into existence in the first place. – Phillip E Johnson
Gwyneth Paltrow It changed me more than anything else. You don’t want to get to that place where you’re the adult and you’re palpably in the next generation. And, this shoved me into that. – Gwyneth Paltrow
AloneMadison Smartt Bell One can’t do anything alone in Haiti. Sharing and cooperation are so deeply woven into the culture that sometimes it’s hard to have a separate thought. – Madison Smartt Bell
Riff Raff It goes to extremes – from people saying I’m the best of all-time to people saying, ‘I hate that white boy.’ Who cares? At the end of the day, if people don’t like you, they’re not your friends anyway. They’re not going to be supporting you by buying your tickets and CDs and clothes. – Riff Raff
Michelle Beadle If you’re not going to love the Spurs, just don’t talk smack to me about it. And if you’re going to talk smack to me about it, be funny. – Michelle Beadle
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