Jose Calderon If we’re sharing the ball and you pass the ball first, your teammate is going to pass it to you. – Jose Calderon Ball Quotes Pass Quotes Sharing Quotes Teammate Quotes You don’t talk playoffs a few weeks before training camp. Find the open guy. If you’re open shoot the ball. Just try to make it as easy as possible.
Pete Waterman I thought if Oasis could get away with sounding like The Beatles, I could get away with sounding like Abba. – Pete Waterman
Ashlan Gorse Cousteau I have to be honest with you: I’m a huge fan of Conan O’Brien. – Ashlan Gorse Cousteau
Bukayo SakaDad My dad always pushed me, he took me to training on days where sometimes it would take two hours to get there, so I’ll always be so grateful for my parents for the work they’ve done for me. – Bukayo Saka
Sebastian Faulks The religion I know most about, which is the Christian one, would simply say that it’s not really for one man or woman to know fully and to understand the nature of our brief human existence. – Sebastian Faulks
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