Caitlyn Jenner If you are dyslexic, your eyes work fine, your brain works fine, but there is a little short circuit in the wire that goes between the eye and the brain. Reading is not a fluid process. – Caitlyn Jenner Brain Quotes Circuit Quotes Dyslexic Quotes Eye Quotes Eyes Quotes Fine Quotes Fluid Quotes Process Quotes Reading Quotes Short Quotes Wire Quotes It caused more problems as a young kid, because the simple process of perceiving words on a piece of paper was hard for me. Many people think dyslexic people see things backwards. They don’t see things backwards. If you are a kid, reading is really important stuff.
Chuck HagelLeadership Alliances and international organizations should be understood as opportunities for leadership and a means to expand our influence, not as constraints on our power. – Chuck Hagel
Paul Guilfoyle The real rub is finding that authentic self and it’s not something that’s going to come to you overnight. – Paul Guilfoyle
Peter SchmeichelRespect With a club like Manchester United that have history and traditions, I think the manager at the club should respect that. – Peter Schmeichel
Maren Morris I remember thinking the Nineties were uncool: ‘I landed in the generation where nothing happens.’ – Maren Morris
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