Brian Sutton-Smith If you are going to take away war toys, then what are you to replace them with? Children need to feel courageous, brave, and assertive. They need to feel strong; that is the purpose of their play. – Brian Sutton-Smith Assertive Quotes Brave Quotes Children Quotes Courageous Quotes Feel Quotes Play Quotes Purpose Quotes Replace Quotes Strong Quotes Toys Quotes War Quotes Once upon a time, soft toys were for babies. Now they’re taken for granted as a feature of adult life. People who play are happier people. And people who don’t have access to play tend to be depressed.
Albert Brooks I come from the place where I am thinking ‘I have put my blood on the pages.’ – Albert Brooks
Garry KasparovNatureWomen Women, by their nature, are not exceptional chess players: they are not great fighters. – Garry Kasparov
Joey Ramone When I was a kid growing up in the ’60s, music was an outlet for enlightenment, frustration, rebellion. It was more about individualism. Today it’s just like a big business. – Joey Ramone
James Heckman Schooling after the second grade plays only a minor role in creating or reducing gaps. – James Heckman
Tahar Rahim Some kids go walking in the mountains, but I just went to the cinema. So when I told my parents I wanted to be an actor, even though this wasn’t normal for Arab kids or anyone in the town, they were sort of expecting it and were very supportive. – Tahar Rahim
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