Rasika Dugal If you are true at telling the story, it will get a good audience, and the required numbers. – Rasika Dugal Audience Quotes Required Quotes Story Quotes Telling Quotes TRUE Quotes There is room and time for multiple tracks to flesh out in the web space. I enjoy this format. Because I feel as actors we are required to be vulnerable, it is a part of our job. So the space that you are being vulnerable in should respect that, otherwise it is not worth it.
MS Dhoni My wife wants me to eat fish; she says it is delicious. But I don’t like fish, so that is that. – MS Dhoni
Fay Wray It was good for us, I suppose. Those kinds of times produce qualities in us that make us better for having had them. My parents were not getting along. My mother was quite intolerant of friendships that were being developed. – Fay Wray
Nandita Mahtani I look at cinema from an entertainment point of view. I wouldn’t want to come out feeling giddy or depressed. – Nandita Mahtani
David Baker I believe without exception that theory follows practice. Whenever there is a conflict between theory and practice, theory is wrong. As far as I’m concerned, we make theories for what people have done. – David Baker
Robert Shea To reject even one major tenet of the religion or to violate one major rule of behavior is enough to get one kicked out – or worse. – Robert Shea
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