John Rhys-Davies If you cannot have fun on a set and enjoy what you’re doing, you’re better off giving it up. – John Rhys-Davies Enjoy Quotes Fun Quotes Set Quotes A solitary child growing up in Africa, you’re really quite dependent on books. I found it marvelous that the great supporters of America in Europe are, of course, those countries that American consistency and firmness in the Cold War ended up liberating.
Greg Hardy I feel like every single fight, the difference in my game, the difference that you see in Greg Hardy, the fighter, has been substantial. – Greg Hardy
Laura Benanti That’s all TV acting is. Like, let me find my mark and seem like I’m still acting. Sometimes they’ll put sandbags there, but then it’s even funnier because you’re walking and you’re, like, stepping into sandbags, so now you look like you’re having a seizure. – Laura Benanti
Jasmine Guy Young people discovering their sexuality must know they walk with a strong tradition and that they are not alone. They have a right to information without being pressured. – Jasmine Guy
Michael Dorn When you’re on a series, it’s tough to go on and do something else afterward. If you’re smart, save your money and you can wait out the bad times, until something else comes along. – Michael Dorn
Claire Tomalin I think it’s about as likely Jane Austen was gay as that she was found out to be a man. – Claire Tomalin
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