Bernard Hopkins If you don’t know your own value, somebody will tell you your value, and it’ll be less than you’re worth. – Bernard Hopkins Worth Quotes Protect yourself at all times. It’s what I talk to school kids and college kids about when I do my seminars. I’m not just talking about in the ring. Protect yourself at all times. Boxing is the sweet science. You hit and not get hit. There’s no reward for you to hit me more than I hit you other than on the scorecards.
Deborah Norville There is a comfort in rituals, and rituals provide a framework for stability when you are trying to find answers. – Deborah Norville
Stephen Jay Gould What an odd time to be a fundamentalist about adaptation and natural selection – when each major subdiscipline of evolutionary biology has been discovering other mechanisms as adjuncts to selection’s centrality. – Stephen Jay Gould
Phil Gingrey The takeover of the U.S. House by Republicans could prompt a revival of the fight for additional funding for the Marietta-built F-22 stealth fighter. This isn’t just for the sake of home-cooking, but also for the sake of the country. – Phil Gingrey
Chrissie Fit I remember seeing ‘Pitch Perfect’ and loving it right away. It’s hilarious! – Chrissie Fit
AloneMenQuintilian Men, even when alone, lighten their labors by song, however rude it may be. – Quintilian
Jane Seymour Motherhood has relaxed me in many ways. You learn to deal with crisis. I’ve become a juggler, I suppose. It’s all a big circus, and nobody who knows me believes I can manage, but sometimes I do. – Jane Seymour
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