HealthToyah Willcox If you don’t protect the NHS, you’re going to have health ghettoes where people can’t get treated. – Toyah Willcox Ghettoes Quotes Health Quotes Nhs Quotes People Quotes Protect Quotes Treated Quotes I like juices and antioxidants. I’m a health nut. I was one of those people who put too much emphasis on work and career and material possessions, and it took its toll on all my relationships, on my physical health, my emotional and mental health.
Hilary Benn Decisions about whether industries or companies should be publicly or privately owned are for the governments of developing countries to make; but where they ask for our assistance we’ll give it. – Hilary Benn
John BurnsideWisdom The woods were a boon; all too often, the forest offered danger and mystery. Yet it could be liberating. If you entered that wild place on its own terms, you might be accorded wisdom. – John Burnside
FitnessJae Crowder The best fitness and training advice has to be: Listen to your body. – Jae Crowder
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