David Knopfler If you feel driven and compelled to make your work and to be fiercely original and have something unique to say, in a compelling way, then chances are the helpers will be there for you the doors will open some, the ice will crack. – David Knopfler Chances Quotes Compelled Quotes Compelling Quotes Crack Quotes Doors Quotes Driven Quotes Feel Quotes Fiercely Quotes Helpers Quotes Ice Quotes Original Quotes Unique Quotes In some ways it’s taken me decades to come clean and make honest work – and still to this day, sometimes I find myself wanting to hide behind my work and deny the more biographical aspects. I took the process of doing as much myself as I could like a duck to water. I set up my own label and publishing, etc, and it was a fun learning curve two decades ago.
John Sulston I believe our basic information, our ‘software’, should be free and open for everyone to play with, to compete with, to try and make products from. I do not believe it should be under the control of one person. – John Sulston
George WashingtonWar War – An act of violence whose object is to constrain the enemy, to accomplish our will. – George Washington
Elmer Bernstein When you stop to think about it, so many films today where we don’t have that kind of contact are films about alienation. About alienated feelings. We are much more alienated from our colleagues nowadays. – Elmer Bernstein
Ireland Baldwin I have received nasty e-mails, messages on Twitter and ridiculous comments, not only about my size, but my family. – Ireland Baldwin
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