Ivan LendlMovies If you go to school and practice for five days a week, it still gives you two days you can go and see your friends, you can go to the movies, you do whatever you like to do. – Ivan Lendl Days Quotes Friends Quotes Movies Quotes Practice Quotes School Quotes Week Quotes I’m a Christopher Nolan fiend. I love ‘Inception,’ ‘Interstellar,’ ‘The Prestige,’ ‘Memento’ and of course the Batman trilogy. I love all his movies. I am the daughter of Mr. Neo-realism: I should gravitate towards narrative simply told, character, the truth. And I do love those movies.
Dominique Moceanu I had this sister that was born who was given up for adoption, and I never knew it. – Dominique Moceanu
Katherine Heigl I want to stay in the moment and enjoy the great things that are happening. – Katherine Heigl
Jean Genet Crimes of which a people is ashamed constitute its real history. The same is true of man. – Jean Genet
Anna Karina I had some bad times. We got married because, you know, I was pregnant. But then I lost the baby. Ups and downs. And then when ‘Bande a Part’ came along, I was in a really bad shape. I didn’t want to be alive any more. – Anna Karina
Fab Moretti We understand that there is a certain protocol. You have to do press in order to continue, and we understand that. It’s not like I sit at home with a picture of some press guy shooting darts at him. – Fab Moretti
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