Fred Korematsu If you have the feeling that something is wrong, don’t be afraid to speak up. – Fred Korematsu Afraid Quotes Feeling Quotes Speak Quotes Wrong Quotes One person can make a difference, even if it takes forty years. I don’t even know how it is to have a home. I feel like an orphan or something.
Edith Widder I developed my camera system, called the Medusa, jointly with a colleague down in Australia as a method of exploring the ocean unobtrusively. The critical thing was that we didn’t use white light, which I believe has been scaring the animals away. – Edith Widder
Peter Arnett Our reports about civilian casualties here, about the resistance of the Iraqi forces, are going back to the United States. It helps those who oppose the war when you challenge the policy to develop their arguments. – Peter Arnett
Aaron RamseyMedical The worst position you are in is when you are on the medical bed, and you can’t get out on that training pitch. – Aaron Ramsey
Heidi Hayes Jacobs Mapping does not purport to create an idealistic vision where all teachers agree, love one another, and gather around a campfire and sing ‘Curriculum Kumbaya.’ What it can develop is a sense of place, of respect, and of new grounds for discussion, disputes, and direction. – Heidi Hayes Jacobs
Rick Larsen As the first Member of Congress from western Washington to serve on the House Agriculture Committee in over 50 years, I am proud to represent the needs of our agriculture community. – Rick Larsen
AmazingKatie Lowes I went to NYU Tisch for undergrad, and it was amazing. My life then was extremely experimental with acting. I did crazy theater where we would be rolling around on the floor. I would be playing grandmothers, and clowns, and all this crazy stuff. Then I would be doing Shakespeare eight hours a day. – Katie Lowes
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