Douglas Rushkoff If you join the Boy Scouts without understanding the underlying agendas and biases of the organization, you might grow up to believe that being gay is a bad thing. – Douglas Rushkoff Agendas Quotes Bad Quotes Biases Quotes Boy Quotes Gay Quotes Grow Quotes Organization Quotes Scouts Quotes Underlying Quotes Understanding Quotes The first step toward maintaining autonomy in any programmed environment is to be aware that there’s programming going on. It’s as simple as understanding the commercials are there to help sell things. And that TV shows are there to sell commercials, and so on. The horrible truth is we are linear beings; we can’t multitask, and we shouldn’t keep interrupting important connections to each other with the latest message coming in.
Danny Bonaduce Most child actors were lucky enough to get the part in the first place. – Danny Bonaduce
Tadanobu Asano British people might wonder ‘What the hell is Kenneth Branagh doing directing ‘Thor?’ but the person asking that the most was Kenneth Branagh. I think he was more surprised than anyone else to find himself doing this kind of film. – Tadanobu Asano
Jon Landau When the Beatles cut old rock n’ roll, they were recording music still in their performing repertoire, and besides, they never thought of the music as old. – Jon Landau
George Weah I will go on my knees and ask the Liberian people to participate in bringing peace and stability to our country. – George Weah
David Ogden Stiers Something happens to us all when we experience something as a unit that doesn’t occur when we’re on our couches or holding our little portable DVD players. – David Ogden Stiers
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