Mark Leibovich If you look at issues like immigration, gay marriage, gun regulation – these are all things that probably wouldn’t be a source of much discussion at all in D.C., if they weren’t sources of self-perpetuation. – Mark Leibovich Dc Quotes Discussion Quotes Gay Quotes Gun Quotes Immigration Quotes Issues Quotes Marriage Quotes Regulation Quotes Selfperpetuation Quotes Source Quotes Sources Quotes I’ve always tried to walk a line between being incisive and acerbic, but not mean. Sometimes I’m going to tip over the line a little bit, but that’s usually a line I try not to cross. I violated, apparently, an unspoken rule that we are supposed to take care of our own. Frankly, if that invites discomfort, I welcome it. I don’t think there’s enough discomfort in journalism, especially in Washington.
Emilia Fox Older men are wiser and that is much cooler to me. I’ve never been one for going out clubbing or getting off my head, so I always gravitated to men who were similar. They just tended to be older. I think you have more of an adventure with an older man. And a happier journey. – Emilia Fox
Daniel Day-Lewis I would wish for any one of my colleagues to have the experience of working with Martin Scorsese once in their lifetime. – Daniel Day-Lewis
Scott Pruitt I might not like a statute… but if you know what to expect, you can plan. The law is static. It’s stable. It gives you confidence. You know you have to act a certain way. – Scott Pruitt
Sammo Hung I used to try and find inspirations everywhere – I would go to the airport or train station and just study people, the way they moved and interacted and their expressions. But I can’t do that now, I’d be bombarded by people with their phones – selfie requests. – Sammo Hung
Christine Elise If I could wave a magic wand and be anything, I’d be a really respected, really successful author. That’s a hard combination to get, though. I really enjoy acting, and it’s easier, frankly. – Christine Elise
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