Kevin Hart If you look at me in ‘Ride Along,’ even though I’m playing two different characters, my demeanor and my tone were not aggressive. – Kevin Hart Aggressive Quotes Characters Quotes Demeanor Quotes Playing Quotes Ride Quotes Tone Quotes Everybody that’s successful lays a blueprint out. You get one life. I’m going to embrace mine.
Paul Millsap I’ve learned that my son is obsessed with basketball. He sits down and watches the games with me, and wants to go play all the time. – Paul Millsap
Meagan Tandy Try your hardest to be confident in who you are. You are enough – you are beautiful. – Meagan Tandy
Bill Pullman The idea of taking classic American stories and reinterpreting them for a time and place is not just commercially viable. These stories also carry a sensual nature of what it meant to be an American, and they deserve to be reinterpreted. – Bill Pullman
Bill de Blasio There is a heavy-ego, solitary model of being an elected leader. We’ve certainly seen that in some other mayors of this city… I have much more of a Movement mentality. It’s much more of what I’m steeped in. I don’t think it is first and foremost about me. It’s about the ideas and the agenda. – Bill de Blasio
Nora Roberts I don’t base any character on a real person, and really don’t do composites either. I make them up. – Nora Roberts
Bryan Batt No one is a plain white room. I hate going into a home that is done to the nines but has nothing do with the homeowner – no knickknacks, no art that has anything to say about the person who lives there. – Bryan Batt
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