Denzel Curry If you look at ‘Threatz’ and ‘Parents,’ then you look at ‘Zone 3,’ all of that is nostalgic. – Denzel Curry Nostalgic Quotes Parents Quotes Threatz Quotes Zone Quotes I live more than a double life, honestly. I have so many personalities, I live more than a double life. Imperial’ is me attempting to reach my ultimate form and to introduce a lifestyle of truth to my fans, be honest with yourself, and you will grow, ULT.
LegalToomas Hendrik Ilves In Germany, a country that for obvious reasons is far more attuned than most to the dangers of demagogy, populism, and nationalism, lawmakers have already proposed taking legal measures against fake news. When populist, nationalist fake news threatens the liberal democratic center, other Europeans may follow suit. – Toomas Hendrik Ilves
Carlo Ancelotti I have never seen a talent like Ronaldo. He always scores, scores, scores. The first game he played for Milan, Sienna away, I said to him, ‘I can’t put you on the pitch. You are 100kg.’ ‘Mister,’ he said, ‘don’t worry, I will score.’ I put him in, and he scored twice. – Carlo Ancelotti
Gianfranco Zola The majority of supporters admire Barcelona because of their fantastic football and for the type of players they have. – Gianfranco Zola
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