Guy Kawasaki If you make money, you might not make meaning. – Guy Kawasaki Meaning Quotes Money Quotes If you’re an entrepreneur and you think that the president makes a difference to your business, you should stay at your current job. Companies in Europe should stop trying to do the U.S. version of a European idea.
Denise Morrison Not every great idea needs to be Campbell-generated. It’s clear that partners and vendors and other external sources will generate innovative ideas for us. – Denise Morrison
Dolly PartonImagination When I started the Imagination Library in my hometown, I never dreamed that one day we would be helping Scottish kids. – Dolly Parton
Brian Grazer A producer is supposed to generate an idea for a movie. And then they’re supposed to create the team, the group of people that are gonna make this movie. And within that team, the producer has to have a creative vision and a fiscal vision, and they have to adhere to both things. – Brian Grazer
Prince Andrew Sarah will talk to me about someone and I don’t know who she’s talking about, but if she talks to my mother, the two of them will know exactly – and across several generations, too. – Prince Andrew
Julian Bream You have to get the attention of the audience. You have to make sure they know you are starting. You have to achieve a rapport with them on the very first chord. – Julian Bream
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