James Goldsmith If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. – James Goldsmith Monkeys Quotes Pay Quotes Peanuts Quotes If you see a bandwagon, it’s too late.
Christian Eriksen Everything has been put into what we all wanted at Spurs. Everybody wanted to become a top team, and that is what we have tried to do. – Christian Eriksen
Slowthai I love this country, but I feel like we’re losing sight of who actually holds the power and what makes us great: it’s the people, the communities, the small places that are forgotten, everyone that’s striving. – Slowthai
Sayed Kashua I wanted to tell, in Hebrew, about my father who sat in jail for long years, with no trial, for his political ideas. I wanted to tell the Israelis a story, the Palestinian story. – Sayed Kashua
Nicholas Jarecki My dad used to sell a type of commodity contract. It was so complicated, he was certain his sales people didn’t understand what they were selling. – Nicholas Jarecki
Behati Prinsloo First date, it’s always fun to go somewhere or do something, like go see a band… not make it too formal. – Behati Prinsloo
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