Max Verstappen If you start doubting yourself like that, thinking, ‘Am I good enough?’ – maybe there is a reason you’re thinking that. – Max Verstappen Doubting Quotes Reason Quotes Start Quotes Thinking Quotes My career is more important than girls. The smell of fuel, driving on the limit on the edge of sliding, it just gives you a lot of adrenaline.
James Newman The most painful thing about mathematics is how far away you are from being able to use it after you have learned it. – James Newman
Douglas MacArthur One cannot wage war under present conditions without the support of public opinion, which is tremendously molded by the press and other forms of propaganda. – Douglas MacArthur
Dean Ambrose I always liked the guys who lasted a long time in the match and had endurance. People like Ric Flair going an hour at the 1992 Rumble, or Shawn Michaels and the British Bulldog being one and two in 1995 and both lasting until the end. – Dean Ambrose
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