Chris Murphy If you want to change our gun laws, the best thing you can do is find a group that speaks to you and get involved. – Chris Murphy Change Quotes Gun Quotes Involved Quotes Laws Quotes Speaks Quotes As lawmakers, our job is to listen to our constituents. If our phones are ringing off the hook with people demanding to know where we stand on an issue, we pay attention. One of my chief criticisms of U.S. international policy is that Congress has largely abdicated its foreign policy-making responsibilities to the executive branch.
Jonny Greenwood Jamaican reggae is the style of music I always reach for when ranting to friends about how you could listen to one style of music exclusively for the rest of your life – and it would all be great and varied and worth hearing. – Jonny Greenwood
Clayton M Christensen The financial doctrines so zealously followed by American companies might help optimize capital when it is scarce. But capital is abundant. If we are to see our economy really grow, we need to encourage migratory capital to become productive capital – capital invested for the long-term in empowering innovations. – Clayton M Christensen
Michael Davis We had all these things to deal with – houses full of people and John going to jail, guys from New York saying ‘don’t worry about anything.’ So it was really confusing. – Michael Davis
Karen Pence This country was founded on religious liberty. And I think we have to be careful about infringing on anyone else’s beliefs. I think that if you have someone who has a certain belief, that doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily judging you. – Karen Pence
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