Jen Sincero If you want to change your life, you have to do things you’ve never done before. – Jen Sincero Change Quotes Life Quotes We notice in others only those things that relate to ourselves. For example, you could find someone hilarious and brilliant, and I could find the same person idiotic and annoying. It’s the same person doing the same thing, but because we are viewing them from our own unique perspectives, they mirror back to us something different. Sometimes, if the people in your life really drag you down, you need to stop spending time with them.
Roger Taylor We Are the Champions’ is meant to be ‘we,’ as in ‘all of us,’ collectively, not us the band. It’s a shame that some people understandably had the wrong take on that. ‘No time for losers’ is not the kindest line, but it’s really more of a ‘we all of us.’ It’s a celebration. – Roger Taylor
CoolMichael Welch I know some actors feel classes are not cool or they create negative public relations, but I continue to crave the story just beyond my reach. To grasp that brass ring I need to continue to fine-tune my talents. – Michael Welch
Lamorne Morris I had big teeth, and I was goofy. I probably used to mess with people too much. People were always trying to be cool, and I was just being goofy and an idiot. So whenever I would get picked on – which happened a lot – I would usually find a way to talk my way out of it or joke my way out of it. – Lamorne Morris
SadSimon HoggartSmile It’s sad that the BBC is toning down Dennis the Menace for a cartoon series. He is losing his weapons, catapult and peashooter, will no longer pick on Walter the Softy, and his ferocious grimace is to be replaced by a charming, boyish smile. – Simon Hoggart
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