Jonita Gandhi If you want to continue working, continue collaborating with people, you have to be open to the idea of people sending their vocals virtually. – Jonita Gandhi Collaborating Quotes Continue Quotes Idea Quotes People Quotes Sending Quotes Virtually Quotes Vocals Quotes I have always been self reliant. I can juggle and I love hamsters.
Jeremy Bentham The question is not, ‘Can they reason?’ nor, ‘Can they talk?’ but rather, ‘Can they suffer?’ – Jeremy Bentham
Ronnie Spector I see the Ricky Martin thing, and everything is like, just packaged for this moment. Where are they going to be 10 years, 20 years from now? – Ronnie Spector
Marilyn MansonNature All the seven deadly sins are man’s true nature. To be greedy. To be hateful. To have lust. Of course, you have to control them, but if you’re made to feel guilty for being human, then you’re going to be trapped in a never-ending sin-and-repent cycle that you can’t escape from. – Marilyn Manson
Sam Levenson Any kid who has two parents who are interested in him and has a houseful of books isn’t poor. – Sam Levenson
Lucinda Williams I just broke up with my boyfriend, and I’ve been spending more time alone than I’d like. – Lucinda Williams
John Corabi The thing I wasn’t prepared for was when I wasn’t in Motley Crue anymore. ‘Cause as much as my phone was ringing, it stopped ringing. – John Corabi
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