Dave Eggers If you want to write about people, you can make it up. But if you spend time talking to someone and examining what it is you want to write about, you discover a level of detail that you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise. – Dave Eggers Discover Quotes Examining Quotes Level Quotes Noticed Quotes People Quotes Spend Quotes Talking Quotes Time Quotes Write Quotes I went to Saudi Arabia in 2010, and spent most of my time in Jeddah and the King Abdullah Economic City. I worked at magazines for over 10 years before I even thought of writing a book.
Ian Williams I definitely like the mystery of not knowing how things will turn out, you know. – Ian Williams
Bill Bradley Legislating is a very human experience in which trust and mutual respect play critical roles. – Bill Bradley
Kenneth Lay Trillions of dollars every day are being exchanged around the world in all of the financial markets. – Kenneth Lay
Alan Mulally I can remember the first time I tried to drive into the garage of the world headquarters of Ford in a Camry. It was almost like they wouldn’t let me in. They said, ‘Why do you want to do that?’ I said, ‘Because we are going to make the best cars in the world, and we need to know everything about the competitor’s car.’ – Alan Mulally
Donovan Bailey You put a very talented kid in a structured environment, where they get to understand and believe how talented they are, and you’ll see some great results. – Donovan Bailey
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