Mort Sahl If you were the only person left on the planet, I would have to attack you. That’s my job. – Mort Sahl Attack Quotes Job Quotes Left Quotes Person Quotes Planet Quotes Comedians have to challenge the power. Comedians should be dangerous and devastating – and funny. That’s the hardest part. Liberals feel unworthy of their possessions. Conservatives feel they deserve everything they’ve stolen.
Dick Vitale I told them that I cannot lie when a writer asks me what’s my feeling not doing the game. I said I have to be honest. And my honest reply to you is, obviously, I’m a loyal team player. I will go where my bosses tell me to go. – Dick Vitale
Charlie Murphy Everything was a lot more challenging for me because of who my brother was. If I were in the film, someone would had said that I got the part because Eddie’s in the film. If I wrote a script, folks would say that I didn’t really write that: that Eddie did and I threw my name on it. – Charlie Murphy
Michael Gove I’m one of many who have seen their parents and their friends lose their jobs, lose their income, lose their livelihood because of the European Union. – Michael Gove
Finn Jones Every day of my life, I make an effort. Like, everything’s an effort – a good effort. – Finn Jones
Ramy Youssef I got to a point where I wanted to have some dignity in what I’m saying onstage. I want people to hear what I’m saying, regardless of whether or not it gets a laugh. That became a lot more rewarding than straight acting could ever be for me. – Ramy Youssef
Miriam Shor A really fun part of getting to be an actor is exploring those parts of yourself that you wouldn’t otherwise explore. – Miriam Shor
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