Bjorn Ulvaeus If you were to ask me what I couldn’t do without, it would be sashimi. – Bjorn Ulvaeus Sashimi Quotes And also a lot of Muslims are no more religious then the average Swede. For them it’s natural that human rights come first. The UN declaration on human rights must always be first in line before religion or other cultural habits, in case of any conflict between them.
Richard Engel There are clearly many Egyptian free-thinkers and intellectuals – lots of wonderful Egyptian artists and architects and scientists. – Richard Engel
Mark Hamill People think being remembered most for one character is a negative thing, but I don’t. I never expected to be remembered for anything! – Mark Hamill
Frank Shamrock I wasn’t fighting because I was a sportsman. I was fighting because I had no other way. I didn’t have a career. I was a multi-felony convicted guy. – Frank Shamrock
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