Rachel Campos-Duffy If you were to ask me what the No. 1 lesson I learned from being on ‘The Real World’, and I challenge you to go back to the episodes and you will see that I’m right: I learned the myth of liberal tolerance. – Rachel Campos-Duffy Challenge Quotes Episodes Quotes Learned Quotes Lesson Quotes Liberal Quotes Myth Quotes Real Quotes Tolerance Quotes Because a lot of people really associate liberalism and Democrats with tolerance, and I found it to be quite the opposite. They’re tolerant as long as you agree with them! I felt like not only was I tolerant, I was curious and open-minded. There are some things that I don’t do well because I’m a woman with regards to raising my kids, and Sean is better suited to do. And there are some things I’m better suited at.
Otto Rank The new meaning of soul is creativity and mysticism. These will become the foundation of the new psychological type and with him or her will come the new civilization. – Otto Rank
Max von Laue Notwithstanding these major arguments the wave theory initially did not meet with complete acceptance. – Max von Laue
Alicia MachadoFriendship But as I was saying, from my experiences, I think men tend to be more timid in expressing their feelings for you. Regardless, I always prefer a friendship first and foremost. – Alicia Machado
Nick Diaz I’m just going to do what I always do: train. And when it’s time to fight, I go fight. – Nick Diaz
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