Jake Auchincloss If you will not have rules, you will have rulers. – Jake Auchincloss Rulers Quotes Rules Quotes The facts on the ground always drive 90% of the reality of diplomacy. Fair process leads to legitimate outcomes.
Suki Waterhouse I’d like to be able to recall every J. Lo music video dance routine ever, naturally. – Suki Waterhouse
Robert Hilburn When the Eagles were starting out in the early ’70s, it would have been hard to imagine anyone in the fledgling, country-accented rock group someday seriously challenging the artistic punch of Neil Young or Joni Mitchell. – Robert Hilburn
Darlene Love I know God loves me. I tell people all the time I’m one of his favorite childs. I had to believe in something bigger than me – bigger than man. I had to believe that God would send somebody across my path to keep my dreams alive. – Darlene Love
ChanceEugene Fama The problem that people don’t understand is that active managers, almost by definition, have to be poorly diversified. Otherwise, they’re not really active. They have to make bets. What that means is there’s a huge dispersion of outcomes that are totally consistent with just chance. There’s no skill involved it. It’s just good luck or bad luck. – Eugene Fama
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