Cary Fukunaga If you’re directing, it doesn’t really matter any more if it’s going straight to TV – what matters is whether you have the resources to make a story that moves you. – Cary Fukunaga Directing Quotes Matter Quotes Matters Quotes Moves Quotes Resources Quotes Story Quotes Straight Quotes Increasingly, there’s much better material on television, but there’s not always the time and money to make it, so you’ve got to make sure you make it in the right place. It also depends on time commitment; a lot of directors will make a pilot, but a series is just a whole other level of involvement. There’s a lot of two-hander dialogue in ‘True Detective,’ and I needed to place those guys in locations where there were other levels of visual storytelling. It didn’t necessarily have to move the plot forward, but it had to add tone or add to the overall feeling.
James Holzhauer Easily the hardest ‘Jeopardy!’ categories to study in the kids’ section are the so-called ‘trashy’ pop culture ones. – James Holzhauer
Jochen Zeitz We should eat less meat – all of us – and we should use less leather. I mean, that’s reality. – Jochen Zeitz
Sergio Aragones I don’t enjoy the boo scare when you’re watching a movie and then suddenly there’s a big shark on the screen. The only thing they’re doing is catching you off guard. – Sergio Aragones
Gayle King I consider myself lucky that Sheila Johnson, the cofounder of Black Entertainment Television, didn’t choose to rest on her very impressive business laurels. Her luscious 100 percent modal scarves, printed with photos she takes all over the world, are gorgeous. Wearing one is like being wrapped in a hug. – Gayle King
DadWilliam Hurt Being a father, being a friend, those are the things that make me feel successful. – William Hurt
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