Dean Kamen If you’re going to fail, you might as well fail at the big ones. – Dean Kamen Fail Quotes People take the longest possible paths, digress to numerous dead ends, and make all kinds of mistakes. Then historians come along and write summaries of this messy, nonlinear process and make it appear like a simple, straight line. You can’t look at the problem and say, ‘I want them to do more, better, faster miracles – and not invest in research, not invest in development, and have those miracles delivered to me free.’ It’s unrealistic.
MomPrince My mother told me one day I walked in to her and said, ‘Mom, I’m not going to be sick anymore,’ and she said ‘Why?’ and I said ‘Because an angel told me so.’ Now, I don’t remember saying it; that’s just what she told me. – Prince
Bria Vinaite I’ve been really picky about the sort of characters that I want to represent. – Bria Vinaite
Ruud Gullit When I was young I was one of the second generation of black people in Holland. My father was the first. My mother was white, and living with a black man at that time and having a how-you-say half-caste boy is not easy. – Ruud Gullit
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