Caroline Ghosn If you’re not certain about something, it might mean you should reach out to a person you trust for advice. – Caroline Ghosn Advice Quotes Person Quotes Reach Quotes Trust Quotes When faced with an obstacle or uncertainty in your abilities, use it as an opportunity to grow your talents. You need to be really great at your job. You need a strong network of peers, and you need a strong network of mentors.
Spencer Abraham If you had a national grid with one operator, you had twenty or even a hundred operators, if you don’t have the ability to compel people to observe high standards of conduct, then you run a greater risk. – Spencer Abraham
Cher I’m insecure about everything, because… I’m never going to look in the mirror and see this blond, blue-eyed girl. That is my idea of what I’d like to look like. – Cher
Frank Ocean As a writer, as a creator, I’m giving you my experiences. But just take what I give you. You ain’t got to pry beyond that. – Frank Ocean
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