Jose Gonzalez If you’re not critical about your history, that can be a problem because there are religious leaders, politicians and all kinds of powerful people who can take advantage of a population that isn’t really thinking. – Jose Gonzalez Advantage Quotes Critical Quotes History Quotes Kinds Quotes Leaders Quotes People Quotes Politicians Quotes Population Quotes Powerful Quotes Religious Quotes Thinking Quotes I don’t want to be too harsh, but there’s very little evidence for ‘intelligent design’ or any sort of creator. I guess I am actually quite shy, and I’ve always felt very self-conscious during interviews.
J Mascis Yeah, you know, I’m always into cassette. At least they seem to be the longest-lasting medium we used to have. I don’t play cassettes much anymore, but I play records all the time. – J Mascis
Charles Frazier I’ve always thought Harper Lee might have made a great decision. Much as you’d like to have more books by her, there’s something about just one that’s kind of mysterious and nice. On the other hand, the New York gossip about me was that I’d never write another book. So I thought, ‘Well, I will then.’ – Charles Frazier
James DeGale All boxers are OCD. You can see a bit of OCD in me before I go into the ring. I can’t put on my right boot before my left. It’s the same with my gloves. It’s got to always be the left foot and the left hand first. I would freak out if I did it differently. I have to do the left first because that’s the way I done it when I won the Olympics. – James DeGale
Kate Herron I’m really proud to have been part of Loki’s story. I gave it everything in my heart and my soul. – Kate Herron
Henry Taylor He who gives what he would as readily throw away, gives without generosity; for the essence of generosity is in self sacrifice. – Henry Taylor
MarriageRanbir Kapoor I don’t think I will go for an arranged marriage, but I am not against arranged marriages. – Ranbir Kapoor
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