Jonathan Majors If you’ve been in drama school for eight years, you’ve got teachers in your head all the time. – Jonathan Majors Drama Quotes Head Quotes School Quotes Teachers Quotes Time Quotes In war, the first thing that goes, when you try to take over culture, is the statues. I think we all can recall statues with their heads cut off in museums. You speak to be understood, right? And you’re understood so you can be felt. And you’re felt so you can get what you want.
Mary Gauthier Melody’s like tweezers that go into the infection and pull out the wounded part. You can almost not stay silent in the face of a melody that matches your emotion. You feel seen. – Mary Gauthier
Maajid Nawaz Ironically, xenophobic nationalists are utilizing the benefits of globalization. – Maajid Nawaz
John Pinette I went a nutritionist… I walk into his office he goes, ‘Well, the good news is, you can have all the salad you want.’ I don’t want any salad! He wanted me to eat salad. As a food! – John Pinette
Luis Alberto Urrea During grade school, we moved to a white, working-class suburb in San Diego, and there were no Mexicans. – Luis Alberto Urrea
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