Steven Bauer I’ll be playing a priest in ‘Chavez Cage Of Glory,’ which is a fight movie. – Steven Bauer Cage Quotes Chavez Quotes Fight Quotes Glory Quotes Movie Quotes Playing Quotes Priest Quotes If you look at 1983, the film of the year was ‘Terms of Endearment.’ ‘Scarface’ was lumped in under the gratuitously violent banner. I mean, we knew it was violent, that it depicted a violent time and place. But it wasn’t the end-all of the thing. Fortunately, I’m very healthy, and my body is still intact. It hasn’t aged very much, I feel like a very young 56. I exercise regularly, and when I do, I always learn new things about my body.
Malcolm Turnbull It’s not a 24-hour news cycle, it’s a 60-second news cycle now, it’s instantaneous. It has never been easier to get away with telling lies. It has never been easier to get away with the glib one liner. – Malcolm Turnbull
Jim Evans After one year in the Texas League, the American League bought the rights to my contract. They optioned me back to the Texas League for the 1970 season. – Jim Evans
Ezra Furman We punk fans have so much energy to give to the fight against injustice, i.e. the abuse of the poor by the rich, i.e. climate change. – Ezra Furman
Devin McCourty You’re not going to be as good as you’re going to be at the end of the season in your first preseason game. – Devin McCourty
Anne SpencerCommunication Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard. – Anne Spencer
John Mortimer The aging process is not gradual or gentle. It rushes up, pushes you over, and runs off laughing. No one should grow old who isn’t ready to appear ridiculous. – John Mortimer
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