Doug Liman I’ll just say that there are certain people who continue to be hired in Hollywood, and that leaves me truly shocked. – Doug Liman Continue Quotes Hired Quotes Hollywood Quotes Leaves Quotes People Quotes Shocked Quotes I subscribe to the school that there are no dumb questions. I started making Super 8-mm films when I was about six years old and just never stopped. It was always just a hobby, but it’s one of the few hobbies that can actually become a career. You know what? I think it was my plan from when I was six that this is what I was going to do.
FailureMalcolm Mclaren Everyone should be commended for allowing people to make disasters, to make failures – you’ve just got to be sure that it’s a magnificent failure and that, by creating a magnificent failure, you plant the seed. – Malcolm Mclaren
Rainn Wilson The Baha’i celebrity, or the Belebrity, is a character actor with a big head playing an annoying creep on a TV show. – Rainn Wilson
Natti Natasha I feel like women have so much more to offer: our essence, or flavor, and our part of the story. – Natti Natasha
Conrad Anker Once I graduated from university, I wanted to climb and be outdoors as much as possible. I worked as a part-time carpenter and kept up a relationship with The North Face. One thing led to another, and I’m lucky to be where I am now. It was a circuitous path with lots of adventure throughout. – Conrad Anker
Jon Favreau Back to the painting of the Sistine Chapel, there’s always been run-ins between benefactors and artists. – Jon Favreau
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