Francine Rivers I’ll often dream about characters before I start writing their stories. – Francine Rivers Characters Quotes Dream Quotes Start Quotes Stories Quotes Writing Quotes The goal is to have every character take on a life of his or her own. Sometimes characters will come into the story that I haven’t planned. Like everyone else, there are days when I don’t want to go to work. However, writing is a job like anything else.
Armando Iannucci The last thing I want to do is use my comedy as a partisan tool or as a method for preaching. – Armando Iannucci
EnvironmentalJohan Rockstrom There is an old belief that solving environmental problems can only be achieved by first building enough economic wealth so we can ‘afford to save the environment.’ This ‘Kuznets Curve’ thinking has never been correct and must be abandoned once and for all if we are serious about economic development for a thriving humanity on Earth. – Johan Rockstrom
Justin Kan Because our site was live video, and because our backend was extremely unstable, we were always in a PTSD-inducing constant state of stress. – Justin Kan
Duncan Robinson I still want to have the reputation of kind of being a quiet hardworking type of guy. – Duncan Robinson
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