Jared Cohen I’ll say that technology will make revolutions start happening faster, but it’ll make them harder to finish. Technology can’t create leaders and cause institutions to appear. – Jared Cohen Create Quotes Faster Quotes Finish Quotes Happening Quotes Harder Quotes Institutions Quotes Leaders Quotes Revolutions Quotes Start Quotes Technology Quotes It’s not a panacea: there are problems in the world that technology can’t fix. You can’t fix water shortages. You can’t storm a Ministry of the Interior with a cell phone. You can’t magically create leaders and institutions overnight. You can’t eat it. You can’t shield a bullet. Part of the responsibility of the technology industry is to anticipate the challenges of the vast majority of its future users and proactively start thinking about them now and proactively build products that address those challenges.
Hugh Dennis I vary from issue to issue and Im not party political at all. I think its important in comedy not to come from any set angle or it would be too predictable. – Hugh Dennis
Lucy Hale I grew up performing and singing. And acting, the idea of it just sort of fell into my lap. And I was a little hesitant at first, but I was like, ‘Okay, I’ll try it.’ – Lucy Hale
Deeyah Khan Jihadis want to watch the world burn, to bring everything crashing down, to destroy the establishment and rebuild it after their own pitiless vision. This misguided utopianism is what makes them such effective bogeymen. – Deeyah Khan
Andrew Sean Greer For writers: don’t hold back. Be weird. Be sentimental. Be melodramatic. Take the risk of being not-cool, not-hip. – Andrew Sean Greer
Chuck BerryMusic I grew up thinking art was pictures until I got into music and found I was an artist and didn’t paint. – Chuck Berry
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