Mikis Theodorakis I’ll write three operas – one for Verdi, one for Puccini, and one for Bellini. – Mikis Theodorakis Bellini Quotes Operas Quotes Puccini Quotes Verdi Quotes Write Quotes We’re in danger! Zionism and it leaders are here, meeting in our country! This is no laughing matter. American Jews are behind the world economic crisis that has hit Greece also.
Ellen DeGeneres People love gossip. It’s the biggest thing that keeps the entertainment industry going. – Ellen DeGeneres
Suzan-Lori Parks Someone yelled at me once, ‘You never write about yourself.’ People used to get so mad at me for that. But my definition of myself is completely up for grabs. I’m everywhere, just like we all are. – Suzan-Lori Parks
Charisma Carpenter When you gain 50 pounds during pregnancy like I did, you fear that you’ll never get back in shape. – Charisma Carpenter
Divya Khosla Kumar It is not easy to be a filmmaker but it has nothing to do with my gender. – Divya Khosla Kumar
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