Joshua Oppenheimer I’m a big admirer of S21, and I really also like Rithy Panh’s work in general. – Joshua Oppenheimer Admirer Quotes Panhs Quotes Rithy Quotes I think it’s a great pity in the Anglophone world that we conflate cinema verite and Direct Cinema; they’re, in fact, ontological opposites. In Direct Cinema, we create a fictional reality with characters and pretend we’re not that. I went looking for embodiments of pure evil, but found ordinary people.
Mike Nichols There’s nothing in the American dream about character. It’s a serious flaw. – Mike Nichols
Greg Grandin Berta Caceres, a Lenca woman, grew up during the violence that swept through Central America in the 1980s. Her mother, a midwife and social activist, took in and cared for refugees from El Salvador, teaching her young children the value of standing up for disenfranchised people. – Greg Grandin
Isabelle Fuhrman One of my favorite authors, Garbrielle Zevin, she did a book called ‘Elsewhere,’ that is one of my favorites, and I think they’re making that into a movie too. I really want to be in that one just because the story is so beautiful. – Isabelle Fuhrman
Ricardo Salinas Pliego Free trade has been one of the tenets of the modern Mexican economy, and it’s through competition and free trade that we will continue to advance. – Ricardo Salinas Pliego
Pat Brown Most well-known serial killers have victims numbering in the dozens, have sent taunting letters to the police or have done bizarre things to the bodies. – Pat Brown
Isabel Allende My mother didn’t want me to be a feminist, a radical, political person, because she was scared. She wanted me to be protected and safe, but my life never was. – Isabel Allende
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