Josh Trank I’m a big, big movie fan; really, I’ve seen everything. I really mean that, too. – Josh Trank Fan Quotes Movie Quotes I was told about ‘Misfits’ when we were in prep for ‘Chronicle’, and I wanted to watch it badly because I’m a fan of that kind of stuff. But I stopped myself because I was very careful about not getting too much contemporary influence. You can’t just keep telling a story the same way over and over again. And I think it only helps the world to be more honest with young kids, to show them the world that they go walk outside and see.
Lee Hyeon-seo People who live in North Korea, they die for food, but living in the free world, the cat even eats expensive sushi. – Lee Hyeon-seo
Cyd Charisse I was this tiny, frail little girl, I needed to build up muscle, and I fell in love with dancing from the first lesson. – Cyd Charisse
Quinn Cook I wanted to win every day, I wanted to show them every day that I was an NBA player – from shooting the ball in practice, to being there early or forming relationships – everything in my power I tried to do. – Quinn Cook
Andrea Navedo I have a cousin who, at age 36, passed away from cancer, and she left three girls. – Andrea Navedo
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