Luke Benward I’m a big Leonardo DiCaprio fan. And if I could have a career like his… he’s amazing. And not only his career, his public persona and how he carries himself. – Luke Benward Amazing Quotes Career Quotes Carries Quotes Dicaprio Quotes Fan Quotes Leonardo Quotes Persona Quotes Public Quotes I want to be in ‘Star Wars.’ That would be amazing. I always remember loving ‘Even Stevens’ – that show was so brilliant and funny and smart.
Oliver Burke Obviously winning trophies is massive in football, no matter where you are. – Oliver Burke
Joe Murray I have never personally seen a hand transplant that is more useful than a prosthesis. – Joe Murray
Joey Chestnut My weight does fluctuate, and there are extreme highs and lows in my blood sugar, so there is some worry about diabetes. – Joey Chestnut
Luis Alberto Urrea Way back when I was working at the dump, I saw that, even when living among the trash, that some people would decide to choose joy in their lives. – Luis Alberto Urrea
Al Gore In digital era, privacy must be a priority. Is it just me, or is secret blanket surveillance obscenely outrageous? – Al Gore
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